Thursday, January 20, 2011

Heaven Nose

I've decided that the people who aren't tempted by food simply have a poor sense of smell. When it comes to food, having a poor  sense of smell has its advantages. I've often thought it would be nice to take a pill that dulls my senses when I diet. Better yet, maybe there's a pill that makes chocolate smell like moldy lunch meat.

Yet I would hate to give up all those wonderful scents. There's nothing like the smell of rain, roses and pine tree forests.

Of course there are certain scents I could do without. Bad breath, BO, and diapers come to mind.

Considering the alternatives, I think I'll keep my sense of smell.  All I need to do is avoid the dog. Or was it the dog?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sexy in Jeans? Eh ... No. Not yet!!!

Hi Everyone and welcome to my Sexy in Jeans blog! I am starting a weight loss program and decided to call my blog, "Sexy in Jeans" because that's my overall goal. (Notice I did not call it Sexy in a String Bikini!!) I love wearing jeans - a big plus at my job - (a big plus in size too!) and want nothing more than to buy a really sexy pair that fits me like a glove. You know, the low rise ones that curve around your hips and flare a bit a the bottom and are really long? I love Joe's Jeans, Kut, Hudson Jeans, etc. They run about $125 a pair but they will be worth every penny if they compliment my curves, not my muffin top! (BTW, what do you call the fat bulge IN one's jeans in front? I hate that I have one now. I think I will name it Billy, short for Billy-the-belly, aka Billy Bob, Billy Bop, Silly Billy, Billy-the-bully ...)

I recently made the move to some jeans that have spandex in them. The previous pair made me feel like "the fat guy in the little coat"! Thankfully the size didn't change, just the department (I went from Juniors to "Women's.). It was a good move because now I can breathe. Plus, I don't have to lay on the floor to get them on!  

On a serious note, I am relying on Alderian psychology here by acting "as-if" - you know, the old "fake-it-till-you-make-it" strategy?! Each day when I wake up, I will remind myself that I already AM ALREADY sexy in jeans and feel such a boost from looking good. I will look in the mirror each morning and say, "Hey Sexy!" and try not to wake the kids with my laughing.

Instead, I will focus on a part of my body that is sexy already: my tiny, little wrists. Oh are those wrists ever SEXY! "I'm too sexy for my wrists, too sexy for my wrists, too sexy..."